Saturday, December 22, 2012

Snowflakes for Newtown

Today all of us at our house spent time making Paper Snowflakes for Newtown. 
A few days ago, Beverley saw this idea for making snowflakes for the students who were at Sandy Hook .  As you probably know, these students will not be returning to the school where the massacre took place (thank goodness).  Instead, they will be starting back at another location after the new year.   The Connecticut PTSA has asked that snowflakes of all shapes and sizes be sent to the address below so that they can create a winter wonderland for the students when they resume school in January.

Today was our first snowfall of the year, so it seemed an appropriate day to make our snowflakes for Connecticut. 
I love this idea for so many reasons, but mostly because it is a tangible way that we can show some love and support! We made several snowflakes this morning from coffee filters and then we laminated them so that they will hold up better!  
 Fold the coffee filter as many times as you can while still being able to cut it.  I think we folded ours four times.
After all the snowflakes were cut, we sent them through our laminator … and added a hole punched at the top.
 We just couldn’t send them without some sort of personal message, so we used a thin Sharpie to write a few of these tiny sentiments.  We also included that we are from Wasaga Beach, ON 

Just in case you can’t read my writing, here is the address:
Connecticut PTSA
60 Connolly Parkway
Building 12, Suite 103
Hamden, CT 06514

We hope you will get as much satisfaction as we have in the fact that we can do something tangible to show our love and support while involving our children as well!

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